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Connective Tissue

Prevent, fight and reverse the effects of cellulite, fine Lines and wrinkles.

Cellulite is primarily a condition of poor microcirculation that causes damage to tissue. As blood and lymphatic vessel walls become more permeable, the vessels leak fluid into the surrounding tissue causing congestion.

This tissue congestion causes swelling, prevents nutrients such as oxygen being carried to the tissue, and hinders the drainage of toxins.

Connective tissue including Collagen and elastin becomes increasingly damaged; eventually they become so severely compromised that they scar. causing stretch marks.

Your body depletes 1.5% of Collagen every year after the age of 25 resulting in weak muscle skin tissue, cellulite in-turn can become worsened through to older age by supplementing your body with 100% Pure Collagen.

Your helping to reduce this dramatic loss by feeding the connective tissue & naturally stimulating your own collagen production, which in turn leans the muscle tissue, strengthening skin.

Pure-Col Is Changing Lives!

Beneath the uppermost layer of skin (better known as the epidermis), lies a network of connective tissue made up of several components: cells (fat cells and fibroblasts, the cells that make Collagen fibres.

Collagen and elastin which provide skin resiliency and support in the form of a matrix, a gel-like substance that is the glue which holds the cells together) when these components are in equilibrium, your skin appears smooth, firm and supple.

Extra weight due to poor nutrition can also set off a chain reaction leading to cellulite. Additional fat can strain the Connective fibres. Collagen and elastin, resulting in more visible or "dimpled" fat clumps.

Cellulite consists of abnormal fibres and water retention in fatty subcutaneous tissue. If the lymph, which is a protein-rich fluid, doesn't drain from the cells properly, it can exert pressure on the tissue around it. Eventually, the proteins separate from the lymph, causing a backup that thickens over time.

This situation worsens as the lymph is unable to properly supply the surrounding cells that make Collagen and elastin fibres with the necessary nutrients and oxygen they need.

As the collagen depletes, the "matrix" breaks down. permitting fatty tissue to bulge upward to the upper layer of skin. This causes the skin to develop an irregular appearance on the surface.

Of course, by reducing the amount of fat. we can reduce the appearance of the cellulite on the surface, but the root cause remains.

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